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The third day of the World Sambo Championship24.11.2013 21:00
The russian Ilya Khlybov and athlete from Ukraine Andrey Kashtanov opened the third day of the World Sambo Championship. Khlybov earned 4 points the first seconds of the fight. 4-1 Ilya won. Ilya Khlybov, Russia: The first fight was more complicated with the Uzbek. 0:5 or 0:3 I won. I warmed up, and then I had clean throws, and painful hold. This championship was difficult. But in Minsk it was was more difficult emotionally. This time is different. Maybe I’m getting old? Or become more experienced. In weight category up to 56 kg Bulgarian Kalina Stefanova and sportsman from Mongolia Sumiya Dorsuren met in the final. Kalina was second at the World Combat Games. It was her first entry into international competition after injury. In this battle, her opponent was stronger, Stefanova took silver and Mongolian athlete Sumiya Dorsuren became the world champion. In combat sambo the first exit was the Bayarsayhan Munhbat athlete from Mongolia and a crowd favorite Anatoly Stishak. Anatoly took less than a minute and a half to become a triple world champion. Anatoly Stishak, Russia: It was doubly pleased that two World Championships I won in one city. The Russian Sergey Ryabov reached the final with Ashot Daneylyan, athlete from Armenia in weight 82 kg. Ryabov was leading since the beginning of the fight, but at the last minute Daneylyan took the initiative and won with a score of 7:4. Bronze medals were won by athletes from Mongolia and Bulgaria. Ashot Daneylyan, Armenia: For the whole tournament, I am tired mentally and physically. The end of the finale was given very difficult. We've been going to this. Three years ago, I became the world champion too. Master quick wins, Russian woman Marina Mohnatkina, fought for gold with Louise Gainutdinova, an athlete from Ukraine. This meeting was held for the Marina not lightning fast, as the World Combat Games, but she was again able to win a victory prematurely spending leg lock. Marina became world champion 2013. Marina Mohnatkina, Russia: Of course, I’m happy. It was difficult in the final. We have already met about 5 times with this athlete and we know each other. Therefore, this was a tense finale. But I still did what I wanted. In weight up to 68 kg in Combat Sambo Arman Ospanov athlete from Kazakhstan, and the Russian Ruslan Gasanhanov fought for the gold. When in the last 30 seconds the referee credited throw on 4 points to Kazakh athlete, Ruslan disagreed with the referees's decision and left the mat. Fight was not finished, the gold medal went to Arman Ospanov. Bronze medals were won by athletes from Kyrgyzstan and Ukraine. Arman Ospanov, Kazakhstan: The final was Difficult, the Russian is a master of his craft, he is world champion. He was a difficult opponent. In weight above 100 kg Belorussian athlete Alexander Vahovyak and the Russian Evgeny Isaev met in the final. Isaev won this fight 5-0. Evgeny Isaev, Russia: Certainly I was hoping for the first two minutes to make some movement and get an estimate. The plan was to groundfloor, the plan was made. He was an experienced athlete. I am an age athlete; it is more difficult to add at the end to me. Svetalana Yaremko, athlete from Ukraine fought for gold with Russian Anna Balashova in weight over 80 kg. Already in the last seconds of the meeting Yaremko took the lead and won for Ukrainian national team the gold medal. Svetlana Yaremko, Ukraine: I risked because I had only 6 seconds. The coach suggested as well doing, and it turned. The Russian Vyacheslav Vasilevsky and Belarusian athlete Roman Yarmalyuk in weight 90 kg bout completed the 37th world championship. Yarmalyuk have not finished the fight, leaving the mat due to injury. The last world championship medal was won by the Russian Vyacheslav Vasilevsky. Vyacheslav Vasilevsky, Russia: Not only time it happened today. Also in the second fight with Mongolia. There is no draft, because the opponent did not just run away. He runs because he does not want to fight, that's all. Therefore, no sediment, there is only a pleasant feeling. Stanislav Kolbasov got a special award "for the will to win", for the "bright debut" was awarded and Alice Schlesinger, for technicality was noted Anatoly Stishak. Athletes are awarded certificates for 2000 euros. In the team standings of the world were distributed as follows: men - Russia, Georgia, Belarus, and women - Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Combat Sambo - Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine. Рейтинг:
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